The Department of Public Works Special Districts team has completed the CSA 70 S-3 Lytle Creek Sewer Force Main Replacement Project. The District operates a sewer force main and two lift stations which were constructed in 1983 to convey sewage from the community of Lytle Creek to the Lytle Creek wastewater treatment plant. The system serves approximately 400 connections including the Lytle Creek camp areas. The sewer force main line was 38 years old, in poor condition and needed replacement. The completed project replaced 665 linear feet of sewer force main line with new 4” line and also repaved the asphalt road. The installation of two new submersible pumps and access cover to the sewer lift station was also included in the project. The new line and lift station upgrade will eliminate sewer clogging, thereby avoiding disruption in sewer conveyance and potential sewer spills into Lytle Creek. The improvement will increase pump efficiency thus decreasing energy costs for the District. The project was completed on February 7, 2022, at a total construction cost of $270,367.