Aloe aristata

Plant Form: Succulent
Water Use: Very low
Mature Size: 0.8 – 1 ft. tall x 1 – 2 ft. wide
Exposure: Full sun, light shade
Bloom Time: Spring (May), Summer (June – August)
Native to: South Africa
Hardiness: Cold hardy to 15°F
Lace Aloe is a dwarf succulent species perfect for edging, ground covers, or in pots. It only asks for well-draining soil and not too much water, especially in hot summers, needing watering only 2 to 4 times a month. Reduce watering in cold winter months. Fleshy leaves retain water and allow this plant to easily survive drought. Its succulent leaves are covered in small, white tubercles organized in lines, which contrast nicely with the foliage of other succulents. Long, tubular coral flowers form on tall stalks every year in late spring and summer, attracting hummingbirds. This easy-to-grow aloe can live 50 to 100 years if maintained properly. Lace Aloe can be easily propagated by separating offsets with their roots in early summer. Lace Aloe is beautiful in succulent and cactus gardens, dry borders, rock gardens, living walls, hummingbird gardens, fire-wise gardens, and in well-draining pots as a great patio plant.