Special Districts provides the members/public updates on the municipal services provided.
A revision to the road paving of Fifth Lane project is being proposed, and property owners will have a chance to discuss the options at a Community Meeting at The Ranch Park Club House building located at 2052 Erwin Ranch Road on Wednesday August 18th 2021 from 5:00pm to 6:00...
Special Districts provides the members/public updates on the municipal services provided.
Quarterly meeting of the Lake Arrowhead Dam CSA 70 D-1 Advisory Committee. This is a Zoom meeting. Please use the link below to participate. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86449333447?pwd=NTE5YjI1Z1hsSnNzVzBrUzNLamovdz09 Meeting ID: 864 4933 3447 Passcode: 081621 One tap mobile 1-669-900-9128 Meeting Agenda
Join us for a day filled with family fun and water education! Information will be provided on the latest trends in desert landscaping and ways to save water and live like a desert native. San Bernardino County Public Works Special Districts, Water and Sanitation Activities: Kid's Games Workshops and Exhibits...