Blue Grama Grass is a long-lived bunchgrass with distinctive seed heads that look like curved combs or blonde sets of eyelashes. Its unique seed heads hover horizontally above green foliage from summer into fall, starting out chartreuse, then turning brown, and finally blonde (hinting at this selection’s name). In winter, its leaves also dry to a tan color; this warm-season bunchgrass looks best when cut back in early spring to 2-3 inches above the ground to remove last winter’s dry leaves and flower spikes. Do not prune too soon, though—the dried, tan seed heads are interesting all winter. This drought-tolerant, extremely cold-hardy grass fits into any garden style, including rock gardens, Mediterranean gardens, meadow gardens, and naturalized areas. Lovely as a specimen plant, or along sunny paths, in borders and beds, ion containers, or massed as a groundcover. Tolerates foot traffic and moving, so it makes a great choice for drought-tolerant lawns. Interesting flowers work wonders in dried arrangements.