Sansevieria, or Snake Plant, may be your perfect answer to that garden challenge of finding a plant that can thrive in full shade under an eave or patio cover and yet require little watering. With over 60 species as popular houseplants, Snake Plants can live outdoors if protected from frost and full sun in our region, and if kept drier in winter out of the rain. During frost warnings, tuck cloth over your plant to provide insulation. If potted, this resilient semi[1]succulent plant can be taken indoors over the winter and placed outdoors during other seasons. The elongated, 2-foot-long fleshy but fibrous leaves are dark green with many forms of variegated patterns. Snake Plants grow fairly slowly in rosettes from rhizomes, but live for many years if planted in well[1]drained soil and if not over-watered. Shelter from midday sun to prevent leaves becoming pale. Snake Plants are striking as an entry-way accent, in decorative containers and raised planters, as background plants in flower beds, and in shaded and protected landscapes near buildings.