Due to equipment failure at our TV Transmission site in Barstow, channels 18-1 and 18-2 are not being transmitted. The techs are working on a solution to resolve this a…

7 results
Due to equipment failure at our TV Transmission site in Barstow, channels 18-1 and 18-2 are not being transmitted. The techs are working on a solution to resolve this a…
We are pleased to inform you that recent modifications have been implemented across all five TV Districts have resulted in noteworthy changes to the programming offered. We are now transmitting…
At the direction of the FCC, we will be terminating transmission of programming for channels 34-1, 34-2, 34-3, and 34-4 on Elephant Mountain, today, October 11, 2023. The license for…
The CSA 40 TV towers on Elephant Mountain and in Newberry Springs serve approximately 35,000 households and cover over 100 square miles. The Elephant Mountain tower delivers over the air…
The Department of Public Works, Special Districts would like to notify customers of a temporary outage for several TV channels listed below. The Department is in active communication requesting the…
With the completion of equipment installation on September 8, 2021, we are pleased to announce that Special Districts is now able to offer 4 new channels to viewers in CSA…
County Service Area 40 discontinued the transmission of their analog TV signal in favor of a digital broadcast in late March, 2014. Current digital programming is being transmitted on channels…