CSA 70 R-51 Old Toll Access Roads residents voted on June 29, 2022, to approve the formation of CSA 70 R-51 Old Toll Access Roads, Lake Arrowhead. This new District…

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CSA 70 R-51 Old Toll Access Roads residents voted on June 29, 2022, to approve the formation of CSA 70 R-51 Old Toll Access Roads, Lake Arrowhead. This new District…
CSA 70 R-50 MERCURY WAY residents voted on June 29, 2022, to approve the formation of CSA 70 R-50 Mercury Way, Crestline. This new District was formed as an improvement…
5th Lane residents voted on June 29, 2022, to approve the formation of CSA 70 R-3A, a sub zone of the Erwin Lake Road district in Big Bear City. This…
After a summer of heavy rains, the Cucamonga Valley Water District will be performing repairs to access roads within the North Etiwanda Preserve. Work will occur intermittently during the days…
Desert Wild Grape Vitis girdiana Plant Form: Deciduous vine Water Use: Low, moderate Mature Size: 10-30 ft. tall and wide Exposure: Full sun, part shade Bloom Time: Spring (March –…
In an example of public and private collaboration, County Service Area 20, Joshua Tree, and the local Sportsman’s Club have joined together to hold a weekly Bingo event. The Sportsman’s…
Repairs to the parking area have been completed, and the preserve will open at Sunrise, Thursday, September 15, 2022.
August saw San Bernardino County’s Big Bear Alpine Zoo welcome their newest ambassadors, Maverick and Midas. Both are male Golden Eagles. Maverick was injured, most likely a vehicle strike and…
On August 17th, 2022, the concrete walkway was poured around the new Bathroom/Snack bar addition completing the final step to construction of the most recent improvement to the Big Bear…
On a sunny August 6th morning, the new Ayala Park opened to the public with a spectacular event. Almost 500 people were in attendance where Supervisor Joe Baca Jr. and…